Caulking is a vital step to keep bathrooms, kitchens and many other house areas clean and tidy, also it is very essential when it comes to make certain preventions to make the area or space damage-free, caulking is important as it is used to fill old cracks and helps joining the joints that come around windows doors, sidings, including fixtures and plumbing as well. Caulking is done in order to stop air water or other dust particles to enter and infiltrate seals which also plays role in keeping the things tight and in place as well.

When you get something installed or fixed in your bathroom or kitchen for example you get a new window installed in your bathroom or you got a new tub installed in your bathroom, caulking will play a very vital role in order to give a finished touch and will remarkably fill and enhance the sloppy ugly looking gaps instantly. It usually comes with a package in professional installations. It sets quickly and is very easy to apply and locks out moisture and dust completely.

With the passage of time old caulks can get dingy and loose and so the attachment loses its place easily, when you plan to re install any object for example a tub or tiles you need to get rid of the old decolored rough stingy caulk first. This can be time and energy consuming but is very necessary to do in order to get a new finished look, if you do it right.


  • Plastic knife / utility knife
  • Chemical for caulk remover
  • Razor / scraper tool
  • Nose pliers
  • Bleach/ rubbing alcohol
  • Damp cloth

Don’t use cheap materials as it may scratch or hurt the surface for a new fixture.


Installing a new caulk and getting rid of the old moisture soap scummed gunky caulk can be a nasty weird job, but removing it once can get your bathroom a new fresh look. We will let you know how to strip away the old caulking and get rid of it. Follow the steps below:

Soften the old caulk:

If you have any caulk remover at your home, apply it and it will weaken the caulk applied previously, that will help to easily get rid of it. And if the product isn’t helping to weaken or soften the old caulk you need to take it off physically by yourself.

Scrape off the old caulk:

There are some specific tools to remove the existing caulk from the wall or floor that might work perfectly and if you do not have it in hand you need to take a utility knife or putty knife and you need to tear and peel off the caulk from the place. If you have multiple layers attached to the product or wall you need to use a nose needle plier to grab and peel the caulk from the surface. One thing that you need to make sure is you don’t scratch the surface deeply; you need to take care of your surface and attachments with extra precautions by not using so sharp tools.


As the caulk is removed you need to clean the surface thoroughly so that it has no residue left, if necessary, you need to brush off the surface with a good cleanser so that no soap or mineral is left on it and the surface is ready to get a new attachment with a fresh caulk. Old caulks most of the times get decolored, and also makes the surface get the color which looks untidy and ugly, once the caulk is removed take a damp cloth with bleach and cleaner and rub against the surface to bring it back to the existing color and look. Let the surface dry completely and then it will be ready for a new caulk attachment.

As the new caulk doesn’t stick with any residues of the old caulk. So if you get failed in removing the existing caulk you will not be able to get a water sealed new caulk, and will not have a protentional to prevent air and moisture.

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